26 August, 2022

The People’s Choice Coast Kiwis’ Favourite Farmers’ Market at the Outstanding NZ Food Producers Awards 2022

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Look what you won again Otago! The People’s Choice Coast Kiwis’ Favourite Farmers’ Market at the Outstanding NZ Food Producers Awards 2022.

We won it in 2017, 2019, 2020 & once again the people said Otago Farmers Market is their favourite in Aotearoa. Thank you to all our customers from Otago & NZ for all your support this year (especially this last year or two), you all rock! And a big shoutout to our Market vendors who turn up week after week in any weather with their fantastic product/produce + our tiny Market team, our volunteers & our board of trustees who have all made it possible for us to remain open. Thanks everyone.





