
Matheson & Roberts

Matheson Roberts

Matheson & Roberts is a name long associated with Dunedin gardening. In 1876 “seeds-men and plant merchants” Nimmo and Blair set up shop in High Street.


Messrs Matheson & Roberts both worked for the company and purchased the retail business in 1919. The Matheson & Roberts company prospered in its premises at no. 10 The Octagon.


Well known Dunedin horticulturist Martin Pryde, a longtime employee of the firm, took over the business in 1966. Mr Pryde was the most amazing plantsman and had a clientèle who revered his knowledge. In 1990 the shop was relocated to 10 McBride St., South Dunedin. After the death of Mr Pryde in 1999, the business was taken over by Adam Paterson, also a long-time employee and qualified Nurseryman.


The garden centre was closed in 2004.


Now co-owners of Matheson and Roberts, Adam & Jo-Ann Paterson, continue to operate a garden maintenance service and a small nursery. They grow a good assortment of culinary herbs, bearded iris rhizomes, flower seed, perennials, lilies, heritage seed potatoes and heritage vegetable plants/seeds.


They have flowers too. Hand tied bouquets & posies of roses, iris, dahlias, narcissi, sweet peas, chrysanthemums, lilies, etc. all on a seasonal basis. Grown by Jo-Ann, who was inspired by her grandmother Janet Duncan, who grew sweet peas and Regale lilies commercially. Many were sold to Betty Jackson's florist shop in St Andrew St (lilies fetched 6p per floret in the early 1950's).

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