
Ettrick Gardens


John and Heather Preedy have both lived in the Ettrick/Roxburgh area all their lives. In 1981 they bought the land where they are currently situated.

They have several small blocks of land in the vicinity and grow a broad range of fruit and vegetables for the OFM and their own retail outlet.

John was one of the very first to apply to the Otago Farmers Market Trust to trade at the market. He had been visiting a friend in Queensland, Australia and visited the local farmers' market whilst there. He instantly saw the potential in this sort of retailing so was excited to see the Dunedin market take shape.

John endeavours to use minimal spray. As he said his family eat the produce he grows, he wants it to be healthy.

Their stall at the market is a testament to their hard work and enterprise. It is probably the busiest stall of the entire market because of the variety and quality of fruit and vegetables on offer.

  • Raspberries, blueberries, boysenberries, strawberries, tayberries and blackberries - fresh and frozen
  • 20 varieties of apples and eight varieties of pears
  • Greengages and plums
  • New potatoes - five varieties, plus eight varieties of main crop potatoes
  • Artichokes, beetroot, bok choy, broad beans, brussels sprouts, cabbage- red and green, carrots – coloured and orange, cauliflower, cavolo nero, chillies, courgettes, fennel, garlic, green beans, kale, leeks, lettuce, parsley, pumpkin, quince, radicchio, silverbeet, shallots, spinach, spring onions, squash, yams
  • Walnuts, Paeonies, daffodils, and tulips.

Availability of the produce is dependent on the season.


20170128 091414 001
agria potatoes
alverada cauliflower
butlers rasp
butternut squash
colourful carrots
ettric raspberries
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lines at ettrick
luisa plum
malus goldrenette von peasgood 4233
mixed plums
torwick plums
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