

  • Serves 4
  • 100g butter
  • 1 medium onion, finely diced
  • 1 stick celery, finely diced
  • 500g skinless monkfish, red cod, gurnard
  • ⅓ cup cream
  • 1½ cups dried bread crumbs, or gluten free crumbs
  • 3 Tbsp mayonnaise
  • 2 Tbsp dill, finely chopped
  • 1 Tbsp Dijon mustard
  • 1 Tbsp fresh lemon juice
  • 1 Tbsp capers, roughly chopped
  • 1 tsp lemon zest
  • ½ tsp Kakanui chilli sauce
  • 1 egg
  • salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
  • ½ cup cornmeal



fish cakes


  •  Heat 3 tablespoons butter in medium sized pot, add onions and celery and cook, stirring, until soft, 5–6 minutes
  • Add fish and cream and bring cook over medium-high heat until fish is cooked through, 6–8 minutes
  • Let mixture cool for 15 minutes
  • Flake fish in the skillet with a fork, then transfer mixture to a large bowl
  • Add bread crumbs, mayonnaise, dill, mustard, lemon juice, zest, chilli sauce, egg, and salt and pepper
  • Toss mixture together until well combined
  • Shape fish mixture into 12 even sized cakes
  • Dredge each patty in cornmeal; set aside in refrigerator for 30 minutes on grease proof paper–lined baking sheet
  • Heat 3 tablespoons butter and 1 tablespoon oil in a large fry pan, over medium heat; add 6 fish cakes and cook, turning once, until golden, 8–10 minutes
  • Keep warm in oven and repeat with remaining cakes
  • Add more butter and oil if necessary


These fish cakes remind me of my travels through the states. You can add any type of fish, shellfish and they go great with a tangy tomato salad.

Thanks to HARBOUR FISH for providing the monkfish used in the demonstration.

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