

  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1tsp dijon mustard
  • pinch of salt.
  • 10ml white vinegar
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 cup light olive oil
  • 1T herb (parsley, mint, coriander etc)


Anna's Aioli for those tiny new Tatties

aioli sauce


  •  Crush the garlic, then mix with the mustard, yolk, and salt in a medium size mixing bowl
  • Then pour the oil drop by drop at the start and then in a very fine thread as you whisk like billy-oh
  • You want to pour more slowly at the start as you are working to start the yolk emulsifying the oil, then a little more keenly
  • If your pour too quickly and it splits, just get another bowl, another egg yolk and start whisking again, adding teaspoons of the split mixture at a time
  • Keeps in the fridge for 4 days
  • If it is too thick when you come to use it add a T of warm (to hot) water at a time
  • Add the herb just as you serve


 My friend taught me to make this aioli. If I follow her instructions it works. No food processor needed, just a whisk and a strong arm.