

  • 1 granny smith apple
  • 1 Beurre bosc pear
  • ½ mini red cabbage
  • ½ bunch spring onions
  • any mint springing in your garden
  • 2T olive oil
  • 3T apple cider vinegar
  • salt and black pepper


Apple and Pear Cabbaslaw

apple slaw


  • Grate your apple and pear
  • Slice your cabbage and spring onions as finely as you can
  • Check out your garden for mint that might be hiding in protected spaces
  • Toss it all and let sit for at least 30 minutes
  • It is even nicer the next day


I like the texture of the apple and pear done with a food processor rather than a box grater.

Thanks to Ettrick Gardens - pears, apples, and cabbages, and to Janefield Paeonies and Hydroponics - spring onions, for providing the ingredients used in the demonstration.

If you would like to download a printable version of this recipe, please click here