

  • Serves 8 -12
  • 1/3 cup walnuts, lightly crushed
  • 1/3 cup ground almonds
  • ¼ cup sugar, plus more for sprinkling
  • ½ tsp ground cinnamon, plus more for dusting
  • 6 sheets filo pastry
  • 100g butter melted
  • 3 firm pears
  • 2 Granny Smith apples, peeled



app and pear pie


  • Preheat oven to 200C
  • Combine pecans, almonds, sugar, and cinnamon
  • Line a baking tray with baking paper
  • Place a sheet of filo pastry on the tray, brush with butter then repeat with another sheet, butter this sheet then sprinkle over walnut, almond and cinnamon mixture, repeat these layers until finished
  • Slice the pears and apples thinly and arrange over the pastry in a single layer
  •   Brush fruit with remaining butter and sprinkle over remaining walnut mixture
  • Bake until golden and crisp (20-25minutes)
  • Cool slightly and cut into desired size, great served with whipped cream or good quality vanilla icecream


Thin and crisp and ready to eat in minutes this is a great go-to pudding or afternoon tea treat.

Thanks to EARNSCLEUGH ORCHARD CO-OP for the apples and pears used in the demonstration at the market.
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