

  • 1 quantity sweet crust pastry, home made or store bought
  • 1 ¼ c roast quince, from above recipe, syrup reserved
  • ¾ c cooking liquid from roast quince
  • 3 large cooking apples (Peasgood Nonsuch, Granny Smith, Sturmer), peeled, cored and cut into thin slices
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • 2 tablespoons melted butter


Apple and Quince Tart

apple quince tart


  • Roll out the chilled dough on a lightly dusted surface big enough to fit a 9-10 inch loose bottom tart tin
  • Gently roll the pastry onto your rolling pin and drape it over the tart tin
  • Carefully ease the pastry into the tin, trimming the top of the crust flush with the pan
  • Place the pastry shell in the fridge to rest while you prepare the apples
  • Peel the apples, cut them off the core and slice them about 5-6mm thick, keeping the slices together for easy fanning
  • Drop them in a bowl of water with the lemon juice to stop them from browning
  • Take the pastry case from the fridge and spread the quince evenly in the bottom
  • Fan the apple slices out the long way and place in concentric circles in the tart with the round edges facing out
  • Brush the apples with the melted butter and sprinkle with 1-2 tablespoons of sugar
  • Bake the tart for 20 minutes at 200c
  • Remove, brush with a layer of quince syrup
  • Reduce the heat to 180c and continue to bake until the apples are tender when pierced with a knife and golden around the edges, about another 40 minutes
  • Let the tart cool slightly then brush the apples and pastry with the remaining glaze
  • Remove from the tin, cut into healthy sized wedges and serve either warm or at room temperature with lightly sweetened whipped cream or yoghurt


Use the roast quince in the roast quince and cardamom pate recipe at the stage before it is made into the puree for a chunkier texture in the pie filling

Thanks to New Zealand Nut Producers for the quince used in the demonstration.

If you would like to download a printable version of this recipe, please click here