

  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 cup milk
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • pinch of salt and sugar
  • 3 apples, peeled, cored and cut into 2-3mm rings
  • cinnamon
  • brown sugar
  • A couple of handfuls of fresh raspberries
  • a tub of labneh


Apple pancakes stuffed with raspberries and labneh

full raspberry stuffed pancakes2


  • Make your pancake batter and allow to stand while you prep your apples
  • Preheat your pan, grease with a little butter and spoon in your first pancake, as the bottom side firms up cover the top surface with a single layer of apple rounds and sprinkle with a little cinnamon and brown sugar
  • Turn your pancake and cook as normal
  • Remove to a plate and allow to cool slightly before spreading with labneh and scattering a row of raspberries through the centre
  • Roll and dust with icing sugar
  • These make a great sweet finger food, cut into rounds and secured with a toothpick


I still remember standing at the stove in our home in Oamaru and watching my uncle and aunt, just arrived from Europe, make these pancakes, the smell of melted butter and cinnamon filling the room. Traditionally enjoyed with lemon juice and brown sugar I’ve upped the ante here, brightening the autumn notes with fresh summer berries and tangy labneh.