

  • Serves 4
  • 500g apples (2-4) Granny Smiths or a variety that is tart and mushy when cooked.
  • ½ -3/4 cup sugar
  • 1 ¼ cup water
  • 1 lemon, zest and juice to taste
  • ¾ cup sago
  • Cream or vanilla ice-cream to finish



apple sago


  • Peel, core and cut the apples into bite sized pieces
  •   Put in to a heavy based saucepan and add sugar, water and zest
  •   Cook over moderate heat until the apples are tender
  • Add the sago and stir well to combine
  •   Lower the temperature and cook gently for a further 20 -30 minutes, stirring frequently until the sago becomes tender and translucent
  • Spoon into bowls and serve with pouring cream or vanilla ice-cream


This pudding takes me back to my childhood when I remember my mum serving us a bowl  full of fragrant lemony apples stewed with sago and finished with pouring cream. It is simple to make, cheap to buy and will surely satisfy you on these cold nights.

Thanks to Willowbrook Orchard for providing the apples used in the demonstration at the market.
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