

  • Pastry
  • 265g flour (plain not high grade)
  • 170g butter
  • 80g sugar
  • 1 small egg
  • 1/4 tsp vanilla
  • Filling
  • 6 medium granny smiths
  • 80g brown sugar
  • ½ tsp cinnamon
  • 90ml water
  • 1Tbsp custard powder and 30ml water to mix


Apple Shortcake

apple shortcake


  • Pastry Soften the butter (to soft but not melted)
  • Using a large mixing bowl (much bigger than you think), beat the butter and sugar using a wooden spoon until it is creamy, this should not take long, perhaps 1½ minutes
  • Add the egg and vanilla then mix, until well stirred in
  • Finally add the flour, and mix to a paste
  • As soon as it comes free of the sides stop mixing (or you will make it tough) Wrap in cling film then cool in the fridge for at least 30 minutes
  • Try and keep it cool as you work
  • Filling Chop the apples into small cubes (I don't peel), then place in a pot with the brown sugar, cinnamon and 90ml of water
  • Heat until the water boils then add the custard powder mixed with water
  • Stir and remove from heat
  • Cool the filling
  • Roll out 3/5 of the pastry and lay in a metal dish
  • Then put it in the fridge
  • Roll out the remaining pastry
  • Add the filling to the shell and cover with the second piece of pastry
  • Make a few holes in the top so that steam can get out
  • Cook at 180°C until mixture is set and pastry golden for about 45 minutes


Thanks to Willowbrook Orchard for providing the apples used in the demonstration.

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