

  • A large handful of crunchy greens per person, try asparagus, bok choy, beansprouts, chard/silver beet stalks, green beans and any leafy greens such as spinach or shredded Asian cabbage can be added 20sec from the end of steaming.
  • Equal parts tamari, lemon juice and sesame oil
  • A thumb of grated ginger
  • A fresh chilli diced or a sprinkle of chilli seeds.
  • Toasted hazelnuts, roughly  chopped
  • An egg per person


Asian greens with soft poached eggs

jph kale


  • Poach eggs to your liking in plenty of salty boiling water
  • Remove with a slotted spoon and allow to drain, soft boiled eggs are equally as good
  • Wash your greens, and cut as is needed to facilitate even steaming
  • Steam for no longer than 2-3min, adding leafing greens only seconds from the end
  • Then plunge vegetables straight into plenty of iced water once cool drain, this arrests the cooking and preserves their brilliant green colouring
  •   While steaming combine tamari, lemon juice, chilli, grated ginger and sesame oil in a small bowl
  • Pile greens onto your choice of platter or individual plates
  • Top with poached eggs and scatter with toasted hazelnuts
  • Serve without delay


Lean, colourful, and packed with flavour here’s a seriously easy meal-in-a-bowl perfect for a busy weeknight supper or an impromptu weekend lunch with friends.

Thanks to Janefields - Greens and herbs, Amazelnuts - Hazelnuts, and to Anne Robertson – Free range eggs  for providing the ingredients used in the demonstration at the market
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