

  • 2 large white onions sliced thin
  • 2-3 sprigs of thyme, stripped
  • 500g asparagus
  • 500g firm fleshed potato, such as Nadine
  • 1 cup cheese curd
  • ½ cup cream
  • 1 doz eggs
  • 1 tsp smoked paprika
  • Salt, pepper


Asparagus and potato frittata

asp frittata v2


  • Lightly parboil your potatoes, skins on, and when almost done drop in your asparagus spears for 90sec
  • Drain
  • Set asparagus aside
  • Cut potatoes into half inch slices
  • Meanwhile lightly sauté your onion slices, with the thyme, in the large skillet you intend to bake your frittata in
  • When onions are opaque, add in your potatoes, and asparagus spears and toss to combine
  • In bowl combine eggs, cream, two thirds of the cheese curd, the paprika, salt and pepper
  • Pour over the vegetables
  • With the skillet on a low heat, cook through the bottom half of the frittata, meanwhile heat your grill
  • Transfer your pan to the oven and grill until almost set on top
  • Crumble and sprinkle on remainder of cheese curd and a good pinch of paprika
  • Return to oven until cheese is melted a little
  • Allow frittata to stand for 30min – 1 hour, then turn out on to a plate, and then onto another plate or board, cheese side up for serving
  • Cut into wedges, and enjoy with a crisp salad and a chutney or sauce of your choosing


Frittata is so versatile - eat it from brunch to supper, warm or cold, at the table, on a picnic or out of a lunch box. Try it with your favourite sauce or chutney from one of our creative vendors. Make a good sized frittata as left-overs keep for 3-4 days and, in my opinion, improve in flavour.

Thanks to Ettrick Gardenspotatoes, Ann Robertson Free Range Eggs – eggs, Palmerston Asparagus – asparagus, Hammerhead Foods – smoked paprika, and Evansdale Cheese – cheese curd;  for providing the products used in the demonstration at the market
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