

  • 2 medium sized Aubergine/eggplant
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 cloves garlic, peeled and chopped finely
  • handful parsley, chopped fine
  • 1 lemon
  • sea salt and freshly cracked black pepper
  • 150g feta cheese





  • Heat the oven to 190C Run a the blade of a sharp knife around the top of the aubergine 1cm or so below the stalk, you only really want to lightly score the skin which when cooked will allow the skin to peel off
  • Now make four evenly spaced, shallow cuts down the length of the aubergine going right to the end
  • Bake the aubergines for about 20 minutes, turning after 10 minutes or so, until evenly cooked with charred skin, and until the aubergine feels soft, but not too collapsed
  • Transfer to a large plate and cool slightly for a couple minutes or until you can comfortable hold them
  • Peel away the aubergine skin in four long, narrow sheets using a small knife
  • Without cutting right through the stalk end, cut the aubergines in half lengthways and gently prise apart until you have two horizontal halves remaining attached at the top end, it looks a little like a heart! Mix the garlic and parsley with the olive oi
  • Season lightly with salt, although not too much as the cheese will add quite a lot of salt, I also like to be quite generous with the pepper
  • Crumble the feta cheese over the top and serve either warm or at room temperature with fresh lemon squeezed over


Serves 2-4-6 (depending on how much you love garlic and aubergine)

Thanks to Kakanui Produce for providing the aubergine used in the demonstration

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