

  • 2 eggplant (about 700g or so)
  • 1 small clove of garlic
  • 1 lemon, zest and juice
  • 40ml olive oil
  • 3T herbs; mint, coriander, or parsley
  • 2 T Tahini
  • Salt and black pepper





  • Char your eggplants; firstly turn on the extractor fan or open a window
  • Do not peel them, simply place them directly on to your element or on the gas flame! Cook them on medium high for between 15 and 20 minutes, turning and repositioning every 5 minutes or so
  • They will smoke and turn black (there will be a bit of clean up)
  • Once you can see they are cooked through, put them in a container to steam while they cool
  • After 20 minutes, (or the next day) cut them in half and scoop out the pulp
  • Combine with other ingredients and blend, or chop it finely and mix
  • This recipe freezes well, although you will need to re-blend it once thawed as it splits in the freezer


This method makes insanely smokey babaganoush! Serve it with other nibbles - especially good with carrot sticks.

Thanks to Kakanui Produce for providing the eggplant used in the cooking demonstration

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