

  • 4 large fillets of fish, grouper, gurnard or whatever tickles your fancy
  • 2 lemons
  • 4 spring onions, sliced into 2cm long pieces (use the green end as well)
  • 4 potatoes, cooked and sliced into ½ cm slices
  • 2 bulbs fennel, sliced thinly (reserving the leaves)
  • Sea salt and cracked black pepper
  • White wine
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Tin foil for wrapping



whole fish


  • Preheat the oven 200C Lay four large sheets of tin foil on your work surface
  • Divide the cooked potatoes between each parcel and place central on one half (it will be folded over)
  • Now place the fish fillets on each, fennel slices, season lightly with salt and pepper
  • Drizzle over a little oil, and scatter over the spring onions and a few fennel leaves
  • Garnish with a thin round of lemon
  • Fold over the remaining tin foil so it neatly reaches the other side (try not to squash the fish)
  • Tightly fold the edges together starting from one side and working to the other
  • When almost complete add a splash of wine and seal tightly
  • Continue until all the parcels are completed (this can be done ahead of time and stored in the fridge)
  • Place carefully onto a preheated oven tray
  • Bake for 8-12 minutes or until the parcel puffs up like a pillow
  • Carefully remove from the oven and serve straight away
  • Pop at the table and enjoy
  • Any sort of fish can be cooked like this and it marries to many flavours
  • Try a dash of soy sauce, spring onions, chilli and ginger
  • The options are endless


Edmond's Fresh Fis is owner-operated with a shop in Green Island. They have their own fishing boats and all fish is filleted on site.  Their fish is unbelievably fresh and seasonal.  If the weather is bad and the fishing boats cannot go out then there is no fish, it is that simple!

To download a printable version of this recipe click here