

  • Serves 4-8
  • 1kg ham
  • 3 cups apple juice
  • 3 Tbsp German or Dijon type mustard
  • 3 Tbsp Honey
  • Pinch ground cloves
  • Pinch ground pepper
  • 1 bay leaf



baked ham


  • You can do this recipe in a slow cooker or in an oven dish with a lid (150C) Place the apple juice, mustard, honey, ground cloves, pepper and bay leaf into the slow cooker or oven dish
  • Place the ham into the liquor and cover with a lid
  • Cook very gently until the ham has absorbed some of this delightful liquor and the meat has become even more tender and juicy (1-1 ½ hours)
  • Remove the ham carefully from the liquid and set aside on a warm platter
  • Place the oven dish on a high stove top heat and reduce the liquid until it becomes thicker and more like a glossy sauce
  • Serve with the ham


 When the hams are this good they don’t need much done to them, however today I thought you may like this German inspired recipe. Great one to use for Christmas.

Thanks to Waitaki Bacon and Ham and Bennies Honey for providing the ingredients used in the cooking demonstration.

Please click here if you wish to download a printed copy.