

  • Rotolo Ingredients:
  • 1 onion
  • 4 cloves garlic
  • 1 bunch kale
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Zest and juice of 1 lemon
  • 250g ricotta
  • 1 packet fresh lasagne pasta sheets (or make your own!)
  • Oil
  • Sauce Ingredients:
  • 1 onion
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 2 Tbsp tomato paste
  • 1 Tbsp balsamic vinegar
  • Salt
  • Black pepper
  • 1 tin of chopped tomatoes (pureed)
  • Handful of cheese of choice ie mozzarella, parmesan or cheddar





Baked Kale, Garlic and Ricotta Rotolo

baked kale garlic and ricotta rotolo


  • Pre heat the oven to 180 degrees
  • Finely dice the onion and garlic for the tomato sauce and sautee in a low to moderate pan with some oil until softened but not coloured
  • Add the rest of the sauce ingredients and bring to a simmer
  • Cook until the sauce is thickened and then season to taste with salt and pepper
  • Turn the heat off and set aside
  • Finely chop the onion and garlic for the Rotolo filling
  • Heat a pan on a low-moderate heat, add some oil and cook the onion and garlic gently until softened
  • Add the kale and cook until it is wilted down and softened
  • Allow the mix to cool before mixing through the ricotta, lemon juice and zest
  • Season to taste with salt and pepper
  • Take a piece of pasta sheet and place on the bench with the long side running horizontally
  • Spread a layer of the filling over the pasta leaving 1 cm along the top edge
  • Brush the edge with water
  • Roll the pasta up from the long side towards the water brushed edge and seal
  • Cut the roll in to pieces about 3cm long
  • Repeat this process until all of the filling is used
  • Spread 2/3 of the tomato sauce over the base of a 20x20cm baking dish
  • Place the pieces of Rotolo over the sauce, cut side facing up
  • Spread the remaining 1/3 of the tomato sauce over the top and bake in the oven for approx
  • 25-30 minutes until the pasta is almost cooked
  • Remove from the oven and sprinkle over a handful of your favourite cheese
  • Return the Rotolo to the oven and continue to cook for another 5 minutes until the cheese has melted and is bubbling
  • Serve straight away