

  • Serves 1-2
  • 1 quince, halved and core removed
  • 100ml maple syrup
  • 1 star anise
  • Fresh bayleaf
  • ½ cup water



baked quince 2


  •  Preheat the oven to 180C When preparing quince you need to work quickly as they discolour almost instantly
  • Place the quince halves flesh side up in a snug oven dish
  • Pour over the maple syrup, add the star anise and bayleaf to the oven dish and add the water
  • Cover with tin foil and place into the oven
  • Bake for 30 minutes and then check by carefully inserting a skewer into the flesh
  • If it is tender all the way through then it is cooked if not then continue cooking for another 10-20 minutes or until tender
  • If you notice that the liquid has reduced, add a little more water so that it doesn’t burn
  • When they are tender and aromatic and the sauce has turned into a golden glaze serve warm as a pudding with pouring cream or good quality vanilla ice cream


 I love to serve these cold with a good quality blue cheese and some oat cakes.They also go particularly well with pork and duck.

Thanks to Caithness Orchard for providing the quince used in the demonstration.

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