

  • Serves 4
  • 100g plain flour, 4 Tbsp for dusting
  • 100g cornflour
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 Tbsp Kiwiwakame seaweed seasoning
  • 150ml Steamer Basin blond beer
  • 150ml sparkling water
  • about 1 litre sunflower oil, for frying
  • 600g – 700g fillets white fish – gurnard, cod, brill, sole
  • Lemon for serving
  • Sea salt flakes



battered fish


  • To make the batter: Combine the flour, cornflour, seaweed seasoning, baking powder in a large bowl, and season
  • Gradually pour the beer and water into the bowl, stirring with a wooden spoon until you have a smooth, lump-free batter
  • Set aside, until ready
  • To cook the fish: heat the 1 litre oil in a deep saucepan until a drop of batter sizzles and crisps up straight away
  • Pat the fish dry with kitchen paper, then toss it in the reserved flour
  • Shake off any excess, then dip into the batter
  • Carefully lower each fillet into the hot oil and fry for 6-8 mins – depending on the thickness of the fish – until golden and crisp
  • Using a large slotted spoon, lift out the fish, drain on kitchen paper, then sprinkle with salt, and serve with lemon or vinegar


 The combination of Steamer Basin Brewing’s stunning beer and the natural KiwiWakame seaweed flavour is a partnership made for fish.

Thanks to Steamer Basin Brewing for the beer, to KiwiWakame for the seaweed seasoning and to Harbour Fish for the fillets used in the demonstration at the market.

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