

  • Serves 2-4 
  • 1 medium beetroot
  • 2 sweet apples
  • 2 spring onions
  • 2T olive oil
  • 1T apple cider vinegar
  • juice of 1 orange
  • zest of one orange
  • ΒΌ tsp salt
  • toasted sesame seeds to sprinkle


Beetroot and Apple Salad

beetroot salad


  • Grate the beetroot and apple
  • Try and use two different textures if you have a variety or graters)
  • Chop the onion very finely
  • Mix all the ingredients together
  • Let sit for 30 minutes
  • Heat some sesame seeds in your smallest pot over a medium heat swirling constantly, when you have heard 5 seeds pop they are done
  • Grind them a little if you can (your house will instantly smell like a Japanese kitchen)
  • And allow people to sprinkle them on their salad as they serve it


 This is a good "spring cleanse" kind of salad.

Thanks to McArthurs Berry Farm: beetroot, and to Willowbrook Orchard: apples for the produce used in the cooking demonstration.

Please click here if you wish to download this recipe