

  •  serves 4
  • 500g beef mince
  • 3-4 medium beetroot, peeled and coarsely grated
  • 1 cup cracked wheat, soaked in boiling water
  • 1 onion, grated
  • handful chopped parsley
  • salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 egg
  • oil for frying





  •  In a large bowl add the mince, grated beetroot, onion and parsley
  • Using your hands squeeze out any excess moisture from the cracked wheat, add to your beetroot mixture
  • Season well with salt and pepper
  • Using your hand mix all the ingredients together really well
  • If the mixture needs some binding add the egg and mix well
  • Using slightly damp hands mold four even size patties and put onto a plate and chill until required
  • When ready to cook, heat up a good size fry pan with enough oil to just cover the base of the pan
  • When almost smoking add the patties and turn the heat down to medium, cook on both sides so they are golden brown and ruby red -  they should take around 5 minutes either side (depending on the thickness)
  • Serve immediately
  • Try them with some homemade wedges with lemon and rosemary and a little yoghurt dressing


 I have made these burgers with all varieties of meat and they never disappoint.They make a very reasonable and very filling supper!

Thanks to LECKIES BUTCHERS for providing the beef mince used in the cooking demonstration at the Otago Farmers Market.

If you would like to download a printable version of this recipe, please click here