

  • 1 recipe pizza bread (1 ball)
  • Flour for board
  • 1 cup fresh ricotta cheese or try half curd and ricotta
  • 1 cup thinly sliced ham, chorizo, salami (optional)
  • Options: steamed broccoli, caramelised onions or leeks, sundried tomatoes, prosciutto, olives, tomato sauce, wilted greens (kale, cavalo nero),





  • Preheat oven 220C Place clean pizza stone in oven to preheat
  • If you don’t have one heat a suitable oven tray so that it gets really, really hot
  • Dust a clean work surface lightly with flour
  • Take first of 2 rounds of dough and flatten with fingers and palms until about 4mm thick and oval shaped
  • Place ¼ cup ricotta and handful of the dry sausage in upper part of centre of rolled dough
  • If you are using tomato sauce, melted onions etc just remember not to overload it as it will get soggy and could leak whilst cooking
  • It also makes it hard to cook and eat! Fold dough to form a half moon and then seal the edges
  • Repeat with other piece of dough
  • Place on stone in oven and cook until dark golden brown, about 10 to 12 minutes
  • If you aren’t cooking on a stone it may take longer and just remember to check that it is cooked underneath
  • Remove from oven and serve immediately


Premade, gently proving dough which can be used not only for wicked flatbreads or pizzas but they can filled with whatever tickles your fancy, folded in half and baked! Serves 2-4

Thanks to Mia Pasta for the produce used in this demonstration

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