

  • 2 part walnuts ie; 100g
  • 1 part sugar ie; 50g


Candied Walnuts (1)

candied walnuts


  • Dry toast the walnuts in a heavy pan, starting from cold
  • When you begin to get that toasty note add the tiniest splash of water to help the sugar begin to melt (too much and the nuts will stew and go chewy)
  • Reduce, under a watchful eye, until the sugar syrup and nuts clump together when the pan is swirled
  • Cool rapidly by removing to a plate, tray, or steel bench top to cool


I’ve been using candied walnuts a bit lately at the café. Extremely moreish, they make an intensely sweet-savoury addition to roast salads, sandwiches, and baking. They pair especially well with the likes of pumpkin, blue cheese, sautéed leek, and all the warm baking spices. Unless you have a vacuum sealer best to make these in small batches, as like any sugared product they are hydroscopic meaning they attract moisture and lose their crunch; better to leave the nuts unshelled until you want them.