

  • 250g sugar
  • 100ml water (approx.)
  • 150ml cream
  • 50g butter


Caramel sauce

caramel sauce


  • Put the water then the sugar into a pot and place on high heat
  • Bring to the boil and continue until it goes a golden brown colour
  • The darker the brown the stronger the caramel flavour but also the greater the chance of getting a bitter taste if you go too far
  • Once you’ve got to the desired colour, remove from the heat and immediately add all the cream in one go (be careful as it can spit)
  • The caramel will solidify at first but then dissolve into the cream
  • Once the cream is at a boil and the caramel has dissolved in remove from heat and allow to cool


 Thanks to Kevin Gilbert from Gilbert's Fine Foods for providing this recipe, and for demonstrating it at the market kitchen