

  • 4 Cardrona merino lamb sausages
  • 1 onion, thinly sliced
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 2 tomatoes, roughly cut
  • Olive oil for cooking
  • Handful fresh spinach, silver beet, rocket or cavalo nero (optional)
  • Salt and freshly ground pepper
  • Freshly grated parmesan cheese
  • 500g pappardalle, tagliatelle, fettuccine or linguine pasta – fresh or dried





  • Start by 2/3 filling a large pot with heavily salted water and bring to a rolling boil
  • Meanwhile heat a large fry pan with a dash of oil, remove the meat from the sausages by simply squeezing the meat out so it forms little meatballs
  • Add them to the fry pan and cook for a couple of minutes or until golden, add the onion and cook for 1 minute, add the garlic, and tomato and toss through with the sausage
  • Allow to fry for another minute until the tomato starts to colour and caramelise a little, add ¼ cup water to loosen up the tomatoes and to get all the tasty bits off the bottom, reduce until thick and glossy
  • Add the pasta to the boiling water and give a brief stir to ensure it doesn’t stick
  • If using fresh pasta it will only take about 3-5 minutes (always check the packet for times), if using dried it will take considerably longer
  • When your pasta is cooked drain away 90% of the cooking liquid and reserve the remaining
  • Add your pasta to the sausage mixture and toss well to combine
  • Add a little of the water if needed to loosen the sauce so it clings comfortably to the pasta – add more liquid if needed
  • Season well with salt and freshly ground pepper and grate over plenty of parmesan cheese
  • Serve immediately


Thanks to Pasta Dora and Cadrona Merino for supporting this demonstration.

To download a printable version of this recipe click here