

  •  Serves 4-8
  • 1 litre vegetable oil
  • 280 g self-raising flour
  • 600 ml chilled soda water
  • 1 cauliflower (1kg), broken into large florets, then thinly sliced
  • ½ tsp dried oregano
  • To serve: lemon wedges and sea salt flakes



cauli fritter


  • Heat oil in a large deep saucepan or deep-fryer to 175C
  • Place flour in a bowl, season to taste, add oregano then whisk in soda water until smooth
  • Dip cauliflower in batter in batches, shaking off excess, then deep-fry, turning occasionally, until golden (3-5 minutes; be careful, hot oil may spit)
  • Drain on paper towels and keep warm
  • Season cauliflower with sea salt flakes and serve with lemon wedges


Cauliflower can be cooked in so many ways.  I love deep frying cauliflower as it ends up with great flavour and texture.

Thanks to BRYDONE GROWERS  for providing the cauliflower used in the demonstration at the market
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