

  • Also known as Knob Celery or Root Celery. This is a grand vegetable that is so ugly it can be overlooked. It gives everything a subtle celery flavour.
  • It is a lovely addition to:-
  • a roasted root vegetable mix (40 minutes at 180C -same as yams)
  • grated raw in a salad (grate with apple, carrot, red onion and cabbage with a vinaigrette).
  • Stews.
  • Scrub the ugly bits then cut them off and add them to potatoes for mashing.
  • Best used within 2 weeks of purchase, store in the fridge in plastic


Celeriac - ways to prepare it




    Thanks to Brydone Organic Growers for providing the celeriac used in the demonstration.

    If you would like to download a printable version of this recipe, please click here