

  • 2 spring onions, white part only, finely sliced
  • 1 garlic clove, finely grated
  • 5 oregano sprigs, picked
  • 2 Tbsp white wine vinegar
  • zest and juice ½ orange
  • 1 tsp brown sugar
  • Salt flakes and freshly ground black pepper
  • 2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 6 carrots (or 12 small baby carrots),
  • 1 fennel bulb, fronds attached
  • Oil, for shallow frying
  • 250g haloumi (optional)


Char Grilled Carrot and Fennel Salad

fenn and carrot salad


  • Combine the onion, garlic, tarragon, vinegar, orange zest and juice, sugar, one teaspoon of salt flakes and one tablespoon of olive oil in a large bowl and set aside
  • Cut the washed, unpeeled carrots lengthways into three slices each
  • Cut the fennel lengthways into just under one-centimetre-thick slices, reserving the fronds to garnish
  • Add the sliced vegetables to a bowl, drizzle over the remaining tablespoon of olive oil and season with salt and pepper
  • Toss carefully, ensuring that the fennel slices remain intact, and set aside for five minutes
  • Grill the carrot and fennel in the oven or on a ribbed grill pan for about three minutes on each side until tender and nicely charred
  • Add the vegetables to the dressing as they come off the grill
  • Heat a couple of centimetres of oil in a medium frying pan
  • Crumble the haloumi into pieces about the size of a 20 cent coin and fry until golden
  • Drain briefly on paper towel
  • Arrange the salad on a serving platter
  • Scatter over the haloumi and fennel fronds and serve
  •   Tips You could also grill spring onion batons, sliced beetroot or parsnip for this
  • Dolloping soft goat's cheese on the salad is a good alternative to the fried haloumi


Thanks to Brydone Organic Growers – fennel, and to Wairuna Organics – carrots for providing the ingredients used in the demonstration at the market
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