

  • Serves 8-10
  • 2 cups puffed amaranth (available from most supermarkets or health shops)
  • 1 cup rice bubbles
  • ¼ cup chocolate nibs available from Ocho chocolate (or finely chopped dark chocolate)
  • ¼ cup selection dried fruit – cherries, apricots, raisins, dates or figs, finely chopped
  • 1 cup honey
  • Pinch sea salt flakes
  • Oil for greasing tin.



choc slice oct 5th 5534


  • Line a 20cm slice tin, lined with baking paper and lightly greased with oil
  • Place honey in medium sized saucepan over moderate heat until the honey starts to deepen in colour and caramelise (4-5minutes)
  • Whilst the honey is bubbling away quickly measure out the other ingredients and stir to combine
  • When the honey is ready add the salt and stir carefully to combine, add the chocolate, fruits and grains
  • Stir to combine and pour quickly into prepared tin, smooth top and cool
  • I cut this slice before I set it completely in the fridge
  • It will keep for up to 4-5 days in an airtight container


When you have your very own chocolatier, central Otago dried fruits and local honey on your doorstep it makes you wonder what will happen when you combine them. So I did, and this is one delicious, healthy slice which is perfect for the lunch box!

Thanks to OCHO CHOCOLATE for providing the cocoa nibs and to BRIDGE HILL for the dried fruit used in the cooking demonstration at the Otago Farmers Market.

If you would like a downloadable version, please click here