

  • Serves 4 as a side
  • 600g collard greens, tough stalks removed
  • 2 Tbsp butter
  • 1 clove garlic
  • Pinch caraway seeds
  • Salt and freshly cracked pepper



collard geens


  • Wash and drain the greens, remove any tough centre stalks
  •   Finely slice the leaves
  • In a large pot or fry pan add the butter and garlic and caraway seeds, fry until the garlic starts to colour lightly and give off a lovely nutty aroma
  • Add the greens and toss through the butter
  •   Cook until the leaves wilt down and soften
  • Season with salt and plenty of freshly ground pepper
  • Enjoy!


Collard greens are a major staple down south in the USA, but they are commonly known to us as a form of cabbage.  The leaves are tough enough to cook through in a good old boil-up, great in a soup and lovely stewed with beans or chickpeas.  However, you can also cook them quickly as you would cabbage.

Thanks to Wairuna Organics for providing the collard greens used in the demonstration at the market
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