

  • 1T butter
  • 1 ½ T plain flour
  • 1 cup milk
  • freshly grated nutmeg and cracked black pepper
  • ½ C cheese curd
  • ½ C grated Havarti or similar
  • 4 slices of good quality bread
  • 4 generous slices of ham
  • 2 tsp mustard, ideally Dijon



Snack Meat


Croque monsieur

croque monsieur


  • In a small pot over a low heat, melt the butter, add the flour and stir with a wooden spoon until somewhat dry
  • Slowly pour the hot milk whisking constantly, until the sauce is thickened
  • Add the salt, pepper, nutmeg, cheese, and set aside
  • Toast your bread and prepare your ham
  • Lightly brush half the toasted breads with mustard, add a slice of ham to each, and sprinkle with any remaining cheese
  • Close the sandwich
  • Coat the tops with the cheese sauce, dust with a grating of nutmeg and pepper and bake the sandwiches for 5 minutes
  • Switch oven to grill for a further few minutes, or until the topping is bubbly and lightly browned
  • Serve


This is the second ‘classic’ sandwich I have featured, the first being the Reuben. The Croque Monsieur is an elevated toasted cheese sandwich, made decadent by the inclusion of a velvety béchamel sauce. Perfect for a weekend brunch as a change from eggs it’s also ideal as a light supper with a few sharp greens to the side.