

  • 1 bag or container of falafel mix (Abdal's Gourmet Catering)
  • Equal amount of warm water
  • ¼ cup coconut oil
  • ¼ cup tahini
  • Juice of 2 lemons
  • ¼ cup yoghurt (omit to make vegan/dairy free)
  • 2 TBS water
  • Salt and pepper
  • ½ clove garlic
  • 2 TBS of sliced parsley
  • Paprika and olive oil to garnish




Falafel with Tahini Dressing

falafel with tahini dressing


  • Measure falafel mix in a measuring jug, and then pour into a bowl
  • Measure the same quantity of warm water and combine in the bowl
  • Set aside for 20 minutes
  • Stir well
  • Heat coconut oil in a fry pan on a medium heat
  • Mold heaped tablespoon amounts of the falafel and place in the oil
  • Cook falafel in the oil until browning
  • Using a spatula, loosen the falafel from the bottom of the pan and flip
  • Brown again on this side
  • Remove from the pan
  • And repeat until all the falafel is cooked
  • Combine the remaining ingredients (apart form garnish) in a bowl
  • Serve and top with the paprika and a swirl of olive oil
  • Enjoy while warm


Recipe from Jamalia Edwards.