

  • Makes 250 ml
  • 1 ½ cups fennel fronds
  • 1 clove garlic
  • ¼ tsp fennel seeds, ground
  • 100g whole almonds, skin on, lightly roasted
  • Pinch chilli flakes
  • 1 lemon, juice
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt



fennel frond pesto


  • This can be pounded in a mortar and pestle or done in a food processor, either way the end result is excellent
  • Place the fennel fronds, garlic, fennel seeds, almonds and chilli flakes together and blend until a coarse paste
  •   Add juice from ½ lemon to begin with (add more if needed later)
  • Pour in enough olive oil until  the pesto becomes a thick sauce
  • Taste, add salt and adjust the balance if needed
  • Store in the fridge for 1-2 weeks making sure the surface of the pesto is covered with layer of olive oil


I always end up with a mass of delicate fennel fronds (leaves) and wonder what I can do with the excess. This fragrant pesto will cling to pasta, dress up potatoes and go perfectly with fish, pork or chicken.

 Thanks to  BRYDONE ORGANIC GROWERS for providing the fennel and fronds used in the demonstration at the market.
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