

  • 500g fresh chillies (your choice of heat variety)
  • 125g fresh ginger
  • 2t lemon rind
  • 2 T good sea salt
  • 250ml apple cider vinegar
  • Check that none of your ingredients have preservative in them, preservative retards fermentation.


Fermented Hot Sauce

fermented hot sauce


  •  WEAR GLOVES! Remove the tops from the chillies then hurl all the ingredients into a food processor
  • Blend
  • Put into a clean sterilised jar without lid, cover with an un-airproof cloth
  • Leave to sit somewhere cool for a long while
  • Check every few days, occasionally stir with a clean knife
  • You will see bubbling start
  • After a while have a taste (carefully!)
  • Once the flavour is the right level of ripeness for you (maybe 3 weeks?) transfer to the fridge
  • I actually never put mine in the fridge
  • I love the flavour as it develops
  • Treasure it


 Making your own FHS is a journey of discovery. I seriously love the flavour that is always different in each batch. I have eaten this when it is two years old!

Thanks to Kakanui Produce for the chillies used in the demonstration at the market

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