

  •  Serves 6
  • 500g white fish - you can usse cheaper fish for this (red cod, ling, elephant etc)
  • 500g smoked fish fillet
  • 500g salmon fillet
  • 5 boiled eggs (optional)
  • 250g cheddar cheese
  • 400 ml cream
  • 100 ml milk
  • 1 stock cube (chicken or fish)
  • Creamy mashed potato for pie topping (made from 6 large potatoes)



fish pie


  • Take the fish, smoked fish and salmon fillets and cut into large chunks
  • Place the fish into a pie dish approx 24cm in diameter
  • Add the cream to a pan and heat gently
  • Dissolve in 1 stock cube and bring to the boil
  • Reduce the mixture to thicken
  • Pour the mixture over the fish
  • Chop the boiled eggs and sprinkle into the fish pie
  • Finish off with a sprinkling of cheddar cheese and pat down gently
  • Take the mashed potato and spoon onto the top of the pie
  • Using the back of a fork, gently distribute the mash evenly to cover the pie
  • Make small indentations over the top of the pie for decoration
  • Place the fish pie in the oven on a high heat for approximately 15-25 minutes
  • When the top has browned, take out of the oven and serve immediately


I love fish pie but often weigh up the options of cooking it as it can take a lot of time, cause a lot of dishes and fill my kitchen with a fish-stock kind of aroma and to be honest it's not always appetising! I now use this recipe all the time and the results have been overwhelming! Feel free to add fish, shellfish to your liking and availability. Enjoy!

Thanks to HARBOUR FISH for providing the fish used in the demonstration.

If you would like to download a printable version of this recipe, please click here