

  • Base
  • 265g flour (plain not high grade)
  • 170g butter
  • 80g sugar
  • 1 small egg
  • 1/4 t vanilla
  • Topping
  • 130g butter
  • 80g icing sugar
  • 2T flour
  • 2 small eggs
  • 1 cup of walnuts that you have smashed almost to flour in a spice mill (or chopped very finely)
  • just over 1½ cup frozen berries


Forresbank Slice

berry slice


  • Base Soften the butter (to soft but not melted)
  • Using a large mixing bowl (much bigger than you think), beat the butter and sugar using a wooden spoon until it is creamy, this should not take long, perhaps 1½ minutes (or you can use a cake mixer)
  • Add the egg, vanilla and zest and mix, until well stirred in
  • Finally add the flour, and mix to a paste
  • As soon as it comes free of the sides stop mixing (or you will make it tough)
  • Press into a tin lined with baking paper and then refrigerate for at least 30 minutes (you could also do this in a tart tin as a dessert)
  • Line the interior with baking paper or foil then fill with beans Blind bake at 180C for ten minutes then take out of the oven, remove the beans (keep them for next time) and bake another 5 minutes or so
  • Topping Cream butter and sugar, add flour, eggs and nuts
  • Spread mixture over base then sprinkle with berries (you may need to chop them if they are large, but raspberries would be fine as they are)
  • Reduce oven to 170C and then bake for 20 minutes until golden brown
  • Remove from tin only once it is cooled


Thanks to Ettrick Gardens for providing the walnuts and blackberries used in the demonstration.

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