

  • Serves 4
  • 4 cobs of fresh corn, shucked – peeled
  • 4 Tbsp butter, cut into pieces at room temperature
  • ¼ cup salt flakes
  • Grated zest of 1 lime (use a microplane or smallest holes on grater)
  • 2 Tbsp fresh chives



sweet corn w lime


  • Bring a large pot of well-salted to the boil
  • Cut the corn in half or desired size and add to boiling water, cook for 5-7 minutes or until the corn is tender
  • To make lime salt - If you have a mortar and pestle add the salt to the bowl and grate in the lime zest and mash until the salt turns a wonderful, fragrant green
  • If you don’t have a mortar and pestle, add the lime juice and zest to a bowl and blend carefully with the end of a rolling pin or something similar so that the salt blends and turns green and fragrant like above
  • Set aside
  • Meanwhile, take 2 tablespoons of the cooking water out of the pot and add to a heatproof bowl
  • Add the butter and swirl the bowl over the heat to emulsify
  • Add lime salt to taste, swirling the bowl to maintain the emulsification (thickening effect)
  • Set aside in a warm place until corn is cooked
  • Drain the corn well and add to the butter
  • Sprinkle in the chives
  • Swirl the bowl to coat the corn evenly and sprinkle with a little more lime salt, and serve the remaining salt on the side


 This combination has changed my life – corn with lime salt, where have I been hiding? Again this is one of those simple combinations that works so well.

Thanks to ROSEDALE ORCHARDS for providing the sweet corn used in the demonstration at the market

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