

  • Serves 2 as a starter or lunch
  • 250g fresh oyster mushrooms
  • 30g butter
  • 2 Tbsp olive oil
  • ½ onion peeled and sliced thinly
  • 2 cloves garlic, sliced thinly
  • 50 -100mls cream
  • ½ tsp ground dried mushroom powder (available at Stonehurst Mushrooms) optional
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • Salt
  • 1 lemon, juice
  • Handful parsley, roughly chopped
  • 2 -4 slices good quality bread



mushroom on bagel


  • Toast the bread and rub with a couple of the garlic slices and set onto two plates
  • Melt the butter in a large heavy based fry pan as it starts to melt add a little oil
  • Tear the mushrooms into strips and add to fry pan
  • Add the onions and garlic a good pinch of salt and pepper and cook over high heat so the mushrooms colour and the onions soften
  • Add the cream and mushroom powder (if using), stir to combine ensuring you get the bits off the bottom of the pan
  • Add the parsley and turn down the heat, squeeze in a little lemon juice, taste and adjust seasoning if needed
  • You want the cream to be thick and rich
  • If too runny it will not have enough depth and if too thick it can separate and become greasy
  • Spoon evenly over the toasted bread making sure every drop of this delicious sauce gets onto the plates
  • Enjoy!


These mushrooms certainly don’t need the addition of cream but sometimes I just love the decadence this brings to these delicious mushrooms.

Thanks to STONEHURST GOURMET MUSHROOMS for providing the fresh and dried oyster mushrooms , and to BEAM ME UP BAGELS for the selection of hand rolled fresh bagels used in the demonstration.

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