

  • Serves 4-6 as a side or antipasti
  • 500g Zucchini , sliced into thin rounds
  • olive oil
  • 150g flour
  • ½ cup water (approx.)
  • 1 egg
  • Salt
  • Sea salt, cracked pepper and lemon to serve



zucc in batter


  • Make batter by combining flour, water, pinch of salt and egg, whisk to combine but do not over whisk - a few lumps are ok! You want a thick batter consistency - adjust as required
  • Heat a large heavy based fry pan with enough oil to generously coat the base of the pan to hot
  • Coat zucchini in batter and carefully place in hot oil
  • Fry on both sides until golden brown
  • Make in batches so as not to overcrowd the pan
  • Remove and place on plate lined with paper towels
  • Immediately sprinkle salt, crack of pepper and plenty of lemon wedges
  • Serve hot, warm or at room temperature


 This dish is a great way to add a different texture and rich flavour to the zucchini.

Thanks to MCARTHURS BERRY FARM for providing the courgettes/zucchini used in the demonstration at the market

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