

  • Makes 250 ml
  • 2 cups mixed leaves
  • 5 mint leaves
  • 3-4 cloves garlic
  • ¼ cup nuts (optional)
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 30 g feta cheese or parmesan
  • 1 lemon, juice of ½ -1
  • ½ cup olive oil



green pesto


  • Begin by adding the leaves (rocket, watercress, kale, spinach, basil, parsley) - the choice is yours, mint and garlic together, add a pinch of salt and mash well in mortar and pestle (otherwise pulse in food processor)
  •   Add the nuts - almonds, walnuts, pinenuts, sunflower or pumpkin seeds (optional) if using and combine coarsely
  • Add the lemon juice and crumble in the feta cheese, stir as you pour in the oil to lightly emulsify
  • Taste and adjust the balance of flavour if desired
  • Will keep in the fridge for up to 2 weeks if covered with layer of oil


This is a forager’s delight and one full not only of a variety of flavours but one rich in nutrients and minerals.