

  • 4 - 8 large heads/bulbs of garlic
  • 500ml - 1litre olive oil (your choice on how much you want to make, it is good either way)


Garlic Confit (aka Fancy Garlic Oil, and Roast Garlic)

garlic iol


  • Put on some good music as the next step takes a while
  • Wash then peel the garlic
  • The best way to do this at the moment, with the garlic so fresh, is to damage/bruise the surface with something heavy - I use my marble pestle
  • Put the garlic and oil in a pot and then cook on the lowest of low settings you can set your cooker to
  • There should be no bubbles forming (tiny ones are okay)
  • Cook for 60 minutes or until garlic is very soft
  • It should remain white (although I often forget and it goes brown but still tastes excellent)
  • Done
  • Separate the garlic (leave enough oil on to cover it) and oil and store them both in the fridge
  • Use the garlic proper in salad dressings or add at the end to a pasta salad
  • Use the oil on bruschetta, to dress salads or to fancy up an easy scrambled egg meal


Thanks to Te Mahanga Orchard for providing the garlic used in the demonstration.

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