

  • 750g granny smiths
  • 250g garlic (this is a lot, don't worry you don't have to peel it)
  • 750ml malt vinegar
  • 4T peppercorns
  • 2T whole cloves
  • 1T&1t salt
  • 4cm ginger grated or just smashed
  • 500g golden syrup


Garlic Ketchup

garlic ketchup


  • Chop your apples into quarters and hurl into a large pot
  • Don't peel or core
  • Chop the roots off your garlic but leave on the skin - it gives additional flavour and depth
  • Add to pot
  • Add everything else, except the syrup
  • Bring to a gentle simmer and cook for an hour or so until everything is really soft
  • Press through a sieve
  • Return to pot and add syrup and boil for 5 minutes
  • Bottle it in sterile bottles
  • It is best rested for 3 months


Just when you think you have done all your preserving.... This is tart, rich and so good with a sausage dipped. Good with cold meat or you can use it in a casserole. It is half way between Worcester sauce and a Branston pickle.

Thank you to Leckies Butchers for their great sausages to taste this sauce on. Thanks to Willowbrook for the apples and Wairuna Organics for the garlic.

If you would like to download a printable version of this recipe, please click here