

  • Serves 2-4
  • 400g coarse salt
  • 50g garlic salt
  • 4 cloves garlic
  • 2 sprigs fresh rosemary, thyme or bay leaves
  • 500g baby potatoes



garlic salted potatoes


  • Preheat your oven to 200C Scrub the baby potatoes
  • If you like, you can cut some of them in half, so that you have roughly even-sized pieces
  • Dry the potatoes well
  • Scatter your ovenproof dish with a thin layer of salt
  • Lay the potatoes on the salt layer, cut side down for any that have been cut in half, and allowing a bit of room between each spud
  • Switch to a larger dish if your potatoes are squashed up against each other
  • Cover the potatoes with enough salt to cover them completely and bake for around 45 minutes to an hour or until the flesh is soft throughout
  • To test, just poke a small knife through the salt crust and into one of the spuds, it should slip through easily
  • Dig the little potatoes out from their salt bed, dust off any excess salt and enjoy


Thanks to KUTASH ORGANICS for providing the potatoes and the garlic salt used in the demonstration.

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