

  • Two bunches of turnips topped, scrubbed and quartered
  • A bunch of red onions, toped and quartered
  • Olive oil
  • 2T honey
  • 2T vinegar
  • 1T fennel seeds, toasted in a dry pan.
  • Salt and pepper


Glazed turnips

glazed turnips


  • Toss turnips and onions in a little oil and salt and add to an oven pan preheated in a 180°C oven
  • Roast uninterrupted for 40min
  • Add the honey and vinegar and toss to coat
  • Roast for another 20min or until sticky, taking care not to burn
  • Scatter through the fennel seeds and serve either as part of a roast dinner, or cold as a salad with the addition of a few sharp greens


Turnips, at least as I remember them from my childhood, remain much maligned, often a pallid watery mash given little love and even less seasoning. Not so here! Reach for your roasting pan, turn up the heat, and all atrocities against this wee cracker of a vegetable will be rapidly forgiven.