

  • You will need 3-4 sterilised jars as it makes about 800g
  • 1kg gooseberries
  • 300ml water
  • 5 elderflower heads (optional) – best picked in sunlight as they are more fragrant
  • 750g sugar
  • 100ml elderflower cordial



gooseberry and elderlower jam


  • Wash then top and tail the gooseberries
  • Place them in a heavy bottomed pan with 300ml of water
  • Simmer for 15-20 minutes until the gooseberries are totally soft
  • Turn the oven on to about 150 degrees to heat up ready for the sugar
  • After 15 minutes place the sugar in a roasting tray and into the oven for 5 minutes
  • Warm sugar is less likely to crystallise when you add it to the hot fruit
  • Place a plate into the freezer ready for the set test
  • Add the sugar and stir well
  • Turn up the heat and bring the jam to a rapid boil
  • It will need between 10-20 minutes more depending on how much water comes out of the fruit
  • Stir regularly to stop the jam sticking to the bottom of the pan and skim any white scum from the surface
  • Boil the fruit rapidly for at least 5 minutes to get rid of impurities
  • If you have a sugar thermometer use it to get the temperature up to the jam setting – about 105 degrees
  • Turn the heat down a little and boil more slowly until it is the consistency that you prefer
  • Once the jam is thickened and has changed colour to a dark red (or darker green, depends on the type of gooseberry) add half the elderflower cordial
  • Stir it and bring back to the boil
  • Take the cold plate from the freezer and spoon a small dollop of jam onto the plate
  • Give it a minute and then see if it is set enough
  • Taste it as well
  • The flavour should be strong and sweet/sour
  • If it is too runny or not tasty enough carry on boiling it and keep trying every few minutes until it is right for you
  • Once the jam is the correct consistency and flavour, snip in the elderflowers (make sure to just get the flowers as the stems are not that pleasant to taste) and add the rest of the cordial
  • Give it a good stir and put it in the sterilised jars immediately
  • If you have wax disks, put one on the surface before the jar lid goes on


Thanks to McArthurs Berry Farm for providing the gooseberries used in the demonstration at the market

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