

  • 250g chilled butter , chopped
  • 250g self-raising flour
  • 125g ground almonds
  • 125g light muscovado sugar or brown sugar
  • 350g gooseberries , fresh or frozen
  • 85g caster sugar , plus extra
  • 50g flaked almonds



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  • Heat oven to 190C
  • Line a 27 x 18cm baking tin with baking parchment
  • Rub the butter into the flour, almonds and sugar to make crumbs, then firmly press two-thirds onto the base and sides of the tin
  • Toss the gooseberries with the caster sugar, then scatter over the top
  • Mix the flaked almonds into the remaining crumbs, then scatter over the gooseberries
  • Bake for 50 mins-1 hour until golden and the fruit is bubbling a little around the edges
  • Dredge with caster sugar, then cool in the tin
  • Cut into about 8 squares and enjoy with a cup of tea or serve as a pudding with custard or cream


Thanks to Donald Butler of Butlers Fruit Farms for supporting this demonstration.

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