

  • 2 servings
  • 2 dessert apples, Balaraic or Peasegood Nunsuch (fantastic cooking)
  • Juice of ½ lemon
  • 30 g butter, melted
  • 1 Tbsp runny honey



ofm 23 v4


  • Preheat the grill on your oven to hot Halve the apples and remove the stalk and core
  • Squeeze over a little lemon juice and brush with melted butter
  • Place on a baking tray flat side down and pop under your preheated grill (about 10cm away from the element) until the apples begin to brown, about 10 minutes
  • Turn them over and brush with a little more butter and lemon juice and grill until the apples start to colour
  • Pour the honey into the hollows where the cores were, and return to the grill
  • When the honey bubbles, and the apples are tender to the point of a knife, they are done
  • Best eaten with cream or ice cream!


Thanks to Hawarden Organics, Alexandra, for supplying the apples for the demonstration

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