

  • Serves 4
  • 8 apricots (ripe but firm), cut in half and stone removed (Rosedale Orchard, Willowbrook Orchard, Earnscleugh Co Op Orchards, Waitaki Orchards)
  • 250g ricotta (Holy Cow)
  • 1 lemon, zest
  • 1 orange, zest
  • 4 Tbsp raw cane or coconut sugar



Desserts StoneFruit Dessert Apricots Ricotta



apricots w ricotta


  • Heat up the barbecue or griddle pan to hot
  • Finely grate the zest from the lemon and orange and mix with the sugar and allow to sit for 10 minutes to infuse
  • When the barbecue is hot place the cut side of the apricots directly onto the griddle bars and allow to char (blacken) slightly and soften, about 5 minutes
  • Remove the apricots and place onto a dish, sprinkle about 1 tablespoon of the infused sugar over the peaches, cover with plastic wrap and leave for 10 – 20 minutes while the juices seep out of the peaches
  • To assemble: place the apricots onto a large platter, add a little of the sugar
  • Spoon over the ricotta so that you get good dollops placed over the fruit
  • Spoon over any juices from the apricots and finish by scattering over the infused sugar
  • Best eaten at room temperature


A simple marriage of summer flavours with the cooling ricotta and tangy citrus makes this simple dessert one of my summer favourites.

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