

  • 4 large handfuls of mixed tomatoes
  • 100 etc
  • sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • 6 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 1-2 Tbsp good red wine vinegar



heirloom toms low res


  • To showcase the tomatoes I like to cut the tomatoes into different shapes – some into thick slices, other in half, some in lengths and little ones and whole, it adds texture and variety to your salad
  • Drizzle over the extra virgin olive oil and vinegar add a generous sprinkle of salt and pepper
  • Ideally let the tomatoes sit for 10-30 minutes before serving as this will get the juices flowing


Sun ripened, soil-grown, sweet tasting tomatoes make for a wonderful salad. However add some Rams Horn, Black Cherry, Sun Gold, Guernsey Island and Money Maker, to name but a few of the impressive array of tomatoes found at the farmers market and you will have a salad to be enthusiastic about!

Click here to download a printable version of this recipe

Thank you Waikouaiti Gardens for supporting this demonstration